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 Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum

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Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum Empty
PostSubject: Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum   Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum Icon_minitimeFri Feb 03, 2012 1:57 am

Now I know you’re probably thinking. Another rambling Wevsky intro.Well im not going to disappoint chaps.

This building as it’s in my home town and as a child was just up the road. Shame on you mum and dad for never taking me here as a child. Since I became interested in UE it’s been something I have wanted to visit even though I knew it was stripped bare from its closure in 2006 as I’d seen some pics a friend took early last year when he found his way in, despite that I still wanted a look inside this building I must have wandered past several thousand times since I was old enough to venture out on my own. So it’s been on the list but I’ve never actually put the effort into getting in here up until now and im so glad I did..it has the still semi intact bath’s/toilets which has its original staircase leading up to the now capped off entrance along the promanade,not every ones cup of tea old loo’s etc but the tiling is all original!
Enough from me, here’s some brief History and some snaps from back in the day..

Visited with Obscurity and Mrs Obs

The West Cliff Hall was opened in 1914 as a theatre, concert hall and promenade venue, staging outdoor plays in the garden amphitheatre with indoor weather cover .

The West Cliff Hall and Gardens was one of three indoor/outdoor performance spaces constructed into the cliffs of South East England prior to World War 1 including the Winter Gardens in Margate and Leas Cliff Hall in Folkestone. However, the West Cliff Hall and Gardens is the only site to retain its garden and so keeps its indoor/outdoor performance capabilities making it a unique piece of South East England’s heritage.

The building has been empty since closure of the Ramsgate Motor Museum in 2006,in its previous life as a concert hall amongst others the Rolling stones played here back in 1973 I believe! It has a 600 Square metre terrace which over looks the Port and is the only cliff top hall left in the country. That being said its left rotting at the moment even though there are plans by some actress to open it all back up again as a entertainment venue!

Some old pics

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum WestCliffConcertHallRamsgate

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum Ramsgate_remembered_318

A modern view

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0066

Now inside
Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0004

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0007

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0008

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0011

One of the booths under a balcony

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0012

Main reception area

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0015

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0016

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0017

Very empty and a bugger to light

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0019

Now some shots some people may overlook of the old baths and toilets
Staircase leading up to the old promenade entrance
Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0001

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0021

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0022

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0023

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0024

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0025

Old signage, well part of it

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0026

And finally one from the terrace

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum DSC_0029

Thanks for looking
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Mr Fro

Mr Fro

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Join date : 2010-07-22
Location : Thanet

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum   Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum Icon_minitimeSun Mar 04, 2012 2:45 pm

Ooh, that's lovely my old son. That's a great staircase. :-)
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Posts : 338
Join date : 2010-05-08
Age : 54
Location : thanet

Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum   Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum Icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2012 12:00 am

Mr Fro wrote:
Ooh, that's lovely my old son. That's a great staircase. :-)

as none of us seem to do much on here any more i thought id bung this up ..hows you fro
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Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum   Westcliff Concert hall/AKA The Motor Museum Icon_minitime

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